Saturday, July 19, 2014

A general update.

Hello everyone!

Okay, so I don't think I've been writing enough to update and tell you all just what has been happening with writing, life and my future books.

The total download count for 'Ice' currently: 841!

'Frost' has been difficult to write recently. I won't hide that fact. I have no planned release date for it because every time I get into writing, so many other things pop up that are 'must do' items. I also have a funny little habit of taking horrible reviews to heart, which also takes its toll on the fluency of my writing.
In addition, I recently met an author that was travelling around the local libraries. Her name is Angela Kirin, a wonderful woman who wrote 'Dr Elbows and the Diamond of Yunxi.' She is well-travelled and certainly an inspiration, as well as a book reviewer and young adult public speaker. It was a pleasure to meet her and I hope to keep in touch with her.
Furthermore, I can't wait to finish the Poseidon's Girls trilogy as I have so many more stories to write!

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